Monthly Roundup

Time has flown by and it’s been another month of blogging for me! The fall (though seriously it’s spring and now summer here) season is beginning to wrap up, I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable writing (however I know my writing style is probably still ‘a bit formal’) and I’ve had over 500 total views and nearly 50 followers (I’m at 49 as of this today, I was secretly hoping for just one more as 50 is such a nice round number). I’ve also changed things up with a new layout, hopefully I’ll enjoy all the features of this one.

Coming up, along with regular episodic posts and a regular weekly review, I’ve got plans to write about the shows I’m hoping to check out next season, what I thought of the shows I watched this season, and I’m also planning to try taking part in the 12 days of anime blogger event. Obviously I’m new to this, but it’s a chance for bloggers to challenge themselves and also look at 12 special moments which stood out to them over 2016 in the world of anime.  If you want a bit more information, you can look at this video or here and if you’d like you can also sign up here to be in a database with other bloggers here. There’s also a Google sheet here with a divergent database (I don’t know how this happened, but there’s two places to participate, and I’m available in both).screenshot-from-2016-10-10-16-18-28

Here’s a few posts which I’ve enjoyed reading this month.
Kapodaco looks at some of their experiences blogging and what they’ve found helps make your blog stand out and gain readers. I always enjoy reading posts from experienced bloggers to see how they’ve stayed motivated and encouraged themselves over a long period of time, and this was no exception.
Lethargic Ramblings takes a tongue-in-cheek look at elitism in anime viewing. I could definitely laugh at myself a little when reading this post when thinking about the few times I’ve taken anime a bit too seriously.
Karandi at 100 Word Anime has some thoughts on what happens when a series becomes hyped or massively popular and how this can work against it.

Thanks to all the great people who read and comment on my posts. It’s very encouraging knowing I’m not just writing into the anime void!

9 thoughts on “Monthly Roundup

  1. Thanks for sharing my post, really appreciate it and I’m glad you got a laugh out of it! A bunch of awesome posts gathered this month!

    Best of luck with the challenge, I’d love to take part myself, but I’ve got far too many posts lined up for the rest of the year that I won’t be able to do it on top of all that.

    Even so, I’m looking forward to seeing your attempt at the challenge! Once again, good luck!

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