Updating the Anime Tracker Comparison

Earlier this year, I created a blog post comparing a number of different anime tracking websites. I was surprised that this wasn’t a resource available elsewhere, so I put it together myself! In order to try and keep the comparison relevant, I’ve made some updates to the original post. This post just briefly talks about some of the changes which I’ve made. Continue reading

Anime Tracking Site Comparison

I was surprised to find that there wasn’t any readily available information comparing the different sites you can use in order to keep track of the anime which you have watched. I could find some discussions of what people used, but no real comparisons. This post aims to give a comparison of the different sites available, and look at some of their key features. I’m certain that it won’t be comprehensive, and of course if the sites have any major changes, the information may become outdated, but I’m hoping it will be a somewhat useful resource. As I am mostly using my personal experiences, while I have done my best to test out the different basic features, I may still have missed out on some available functionality. This in itself is perhaps telling because I was unable to find the information. If I’ve missed something important, please let me know! I’ll do my best to try and have accurate information regarding each site, although I may not update this post indefinitely. This post has received an update as of October 2017

For each site I have looked at the ease of importing existing information, how you can score your shows, the options for tracking your titles (e.g. ability to create custom lists or filters), ability to customise your list design, the site UI, ways of interacting with other users (contacting or befriending them), what sort of details may be available in the database for a particular title, and the forum or community aspects of the site. Different people look for different things when it comes to tracking anime, but hopefully these are some of the important key features. I’ve linked to my profile on each site so you can see how it looks live. I have not touched on phone apps which can tie into updating your anime list. I don’t have a phone which would support using apps, so it’s not something which I can really test out for myself. If there was someone who was interested in putting this information together, I’d be interested to see it! Continue reading